
Eventscribe New Employee Training: Education Harvester

This week you will learn about our Education Harvester which is our speaker and presentation management site.  After you have watched all of the videos in this course, we have more resources for our Education Harvester for you:

  • Here in the Staff Training site > in the OnDemand > Browse by Topic page > click on the Education Harvester tile for more Education Harvester resources including videos from our Internal Trainings and the Ops Team Workshops.

  • And in our client facing Cadmium University, we have an Education Harvester Self-Paced Course that includes videos about our new Disclosures & Mitigation tool.  Please note that the videos in the "Disclosures & Mitigation" section of this course are the same videos in Cadmium University.


Introduction & Overview
(200) Ed Harvester 101
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Tutorials - Basics
(201) General Knowledge
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(202) Users
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(203) Presentations
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(204) Tasks
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(205) Communication
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(206) Worksheets
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(207) Settings
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(208) Power Tools
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
(209) Imports
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Tutorials - Advanced
Building Sessions
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Education Harvester QC
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Education Harvester Missions & Validator
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Project Management for Ed Harvester Projects
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Tutorials - Disclosures and Mitigation (from Cadmium University Self-Paced Course for clients)
Please click the 'Click Here..." button to the right to read the Acknowledgement prior to watching the videos.
Introduction to Disclosures and Mitigation
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  2 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  2 minutes This video will provide an introduction to our Disclosure and Mitigation features in the Education Harvester.
Disclosure Collection Methods: Presentation Based vs. Event Based
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  3 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  3 minutes This video will explain the difference in the two Disclosure Tasks available in the Education Harvester.
Adding and Configuring the Disclosure Task
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes This video will guide your through the process of adding and configuring the Disclosure Task.
Disclosure Reporting
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  3 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  3 minutes This video will guide you through the various report options available for you to view and export your Disclosure data.
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes This video will guide you through the process of mitigating financial relationships in the Education Harvester.
Displaying Disclosure Data on eventScribe
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes This video will show you how to format the disclosure data you have collected in the Education Harvester to display in the eventScribe Website and Mobile App.